Generating Translations
You might notice that your word count doesn’t match the exact word count of your website instantly, instead it goes up gradually. That’s because Weglot generates and adds translations progressively to your Translations List as visitors, you, or search engines visit your translated pages. To generate all translations or multiple translations yourself, you can sync URLs from your dashboard or manually visit translated pages. Your word count will go up as Weglot generates more translations.
If you want to keep your translations private while you work on them, you can disable the “Make public” option in your languages tab. You can also disable the “Display automatic translations” option to only have manual translations on your website (automatic translations will still be generated to give you a quick start, but they won’t be live on your website until you edit them.)
Don’t want certain pages or sections to be translated at all? In the next lesson, we’ll see how to exclude certain URLs, blocks, or phrases from getting translated.
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