Used by 25k global stores, Weglot makes Shopify store translation simple. With real-time and accurate translation and compatibility with Shopify Markets, Weglot optimizes your ecommerce store translation.
Fast, user-friendly, no code integration. Add multi-language functionality to your Shopify store in minutes. Choose from more than 110 different languages and get an automatically added front-end language switcher.
Don’t change the way you work! Weglot is compatible with all Shopify themes (including custom builds) and third-party apps like Pagefly, Klaviyo, Yotpo, GemPages, ensuring 100% of your Shopify store content is translated. Don’t compromise your localization efforts, with Weglot every element on your store is translated.
Get access to automatic translation (Google Translate, DeepL, and Microsoft), manual editing, and professional translators. Then, with full editing control, manage your translated content how you want, for accurate translations at scale.
Get found by your new markets with integrated multilingual SEO capabilities. Weglot automatically adds hreflang tags, creates language-specific subdomains or subdirectories, and translates your metadata to ensure your online store is visible on international search engines.
Edit your Shopify store translations in context with Weglot’s Visual Editor, find and manage translations through your Translations List, add brand and product names to your glossary, make page or section exclusions, and replace media files for different markets.
From popups to your checkout page, Weglot auto-translates and detects 100% of your store’s content. Plus, any new content is continuously translated into your new store languages ensuring your new customers are served pages in their native language.
Weglot works seamlessly with WordPress plugins and allows you to offer a fully localized user experience for your multi language website. Learn more through our pricing.
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