Shopify x Weglot

Shopify translation app

Used by 25k global stores, Weglot makes Shopify store translation simple. With real-time and accurate translation and compatibility with Shopify Markets, Weglot optimizes your ecommerce store translation.

Shopify App Store
+ 110,342 users worldwide
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Get started in minutes

Get started in minutes

Instant language translation

Fast, user-friendly, no code integration. Add multi-language functionality to your Shopify store in minutes. Choose from more than 110 different languages and get an automatically added front-end language switcher.

Dynamic content translation

Don’t change the way you work! Weglot is compatible with all Shopify themes (including custom builds) and third-party apps like Pagefly, Klaviyo, Yotpo, GemPages, ensuring 100% of your Shopify store content is translated. Don’t compromise your localization efforts, with Weglot every element on your store is translated.

Easily manage your translations

AI language translations

AI language translations

Get access to automatic translation (Google Translate, DeepL, and Microsoft), manual editing, and professional translators. Then, with full editing control, manage your translated content how you want, for accurate translations at scale.

Advanced translation management

Advanced translation management

Edit your Shopify store translations in context with Weglot’s Visual Editor, find and manage translations through your Translations List, add brand and product names to your glossary, make page or section exclusions, and replace media files for different markets.

AI language translations

Reach visitors all over the world

Multilingual SEO Weglot

Multilingual SEO-ready

Get found by your new markets with integrated multilingual SEO capabilities. Weglot automatically adds hreflang tags, creates language-specific subdomains or subdirectories, and translates your metadata to ensure your online store is visible on international search engines.

Get started free
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Go multilingual with ease

Advanced translation management

Full store translation

From popups to your checkout page, Weglot auto-translates and detects 100% of your store’s content. Plus, any new content is continuously translated into your new store languages ensuring your new customers are served pages in their native language.

Join thousands of satisfied Weglot users

Discover how our customers expanded their reach, boosted engagement, and grew their businesses with Weglot.

ON24 case study
ON24 logo
ON24 logo
"Weglot enabled us to expand our website into five languages quickly. We’ve already seen significant improvements in engagement from our international audiences, who are more eager than ever to interact  with our content.”
John Springli

Senior Website Manager

Lequipe creative equipe
Lequipe creative logo
lequipe creative logo
Web Agency
"Weglot is great because it corresponds to my needs and what I can promise to my clients: an easy way to go multilingual, total autonomy over their website, generate more leads, and the ability to do all that in just a few clicks."
Salomé Amar


Volant image
Volant logo
Volant logo
"The core of our business is selling products by telling a compelling story and educating our audience. We believe we can do that more effectively by speaking the local language of the European market."
Tobias Nervik


Compatible with your favorite Shopify plugins

Weglot works seamlessly with Shopify plugins and allows you to offer a fully localized user experience for your multi language website.

Take a product demo

Experience the power of Weglot with our interactive demo that takes you through the seamless process of translating a website – from the initial setup to displaying a fully multilingual website in just 2 minutes.

Weglot Interacive demoSwitcher

Learn how to get started

Improve your skills and find the key information you need to grow your business globally
from our vast collection of resources.

Video Tutorial

How to translate your Shopify store

Integrate Weglot on your Shopify ecommerce store by following our simple video tutorial. Benefit from a mix of machine translation and manual translation.


How to add languages to Shopify

Check out how to add a language selector to your Shopify store and turn your store content multilingual.


Integrate Weglot to your Shopify store

Read our step-by-step guide and instantly translate your Shopify store. Find all our help documentation or get in contact with our dedicated support team.


How to use Weglot and Shopify Markets

Weglot is fully compatible with Shopify Markets. Check out our FAQ doc to see how it works with Weglot.

Case study
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Frequently asked questions about Shopify integration

Is Weglot compatible with Shopify websites?
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Yes, Weglot is fully compatible with Shopify. It seamlessly integrates to make your website multilingual in just a few minutes. You can try it out for free with our trial.
What’s the difference between Weglot and competitors?
What’s the difference between Weglot and ?
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Weglot offers a simpler setup, intuitive interface, and a comprehensive approach to website translation.
Weglot offers a simpler setup, intuitive interface, and a comprehensive approach to website translation. You can check out our comparison page for more details.
How do I integrate Weglot with my Shopify website?
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Integrating Weglot with your Shopify website is quick and easy. Follow our step-by-step guide in the resources above to get started.
Can I use Weglot for free?
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Yes! Weglot offers a free trial so you can try it out for 10 days. Unless you update, you can continue with our forever free plan.
How does Weglot work?
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Weglot automatically detects and translates your website content while giving you full control to edit and manage translations. Learn more about how Weglot works here.
Is Weglot good for Shopify multilingual SEO?
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Yes! Weglot follows multilingual SEO best practices, including hreflang tags, translated metadata, and a subdirectory or subdomain structure. Learn more.
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Have a different question?

Reach out to our dedicated support team, we're here to help—in both English and French!

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